Sunday, July 15, 2007

Life may not be the party we hoped for, but while we are here we might as well dance

So we made it through the last couple of weeks with a few bumps in the road. But, we made it!
Let's see, to fill you all in, after we got diagnosis of pneumonia, things calmed down with Ahuva a little. She started to feel better and was starting to act like herself. The kid was happy, she was getting ice cream two times a day (we hide her medicine in her ice cream...hey it beats wearing penicillin all day!) However, Baby Alistair decided it was his turn to make us crazy. He began coughing and was having trouble breathing, so we ended up with the Decadron shot for him too. Unfotunately he had a reaction to the shot and became pale for two days... he is still coughing and I plan to take him this week to get re-checked just to make sure that he doesn't have anything else I don't know about.
Wait! You are thinking my week of hell was finally over? No way! Eli felt a little left out of the action, so she decided to be up all night screaming her ear hurt, of course my otoscope wasn't charged so I couldn't day we went to the ENT and there was a possibility that she rutured (perforated) her ear drum. She had puss and goo and all kinds of wild looking stuff coming out of her ear...poor kid! she was so miserable! So we started her on medication, but she still says things sound 'low'...I think we have to get her hearing checked now too....
After ENT we headed over to audiology for Ahuva's annual hearing screen, which she cooperated so well for that they got a good amount of info and things look great!
By thursday last week my motto was...the hits just keep on coming! I have since decided that while life may not be the party we hoped for, while we are here we might as well dance...and so I dance, but my feet hurt and I am so not wearing my dancing shoes, can I leave for a while and come back in more comfortable shoes?


BStrong said...

Care to Tango hun?

Unknown said...

I can just picture the two of you tango'ing around a sick bunch of kiddos!!!

I'm so sorry this has been a week of illness.........I promise, this too shall pass, and you'll all be up and dancing in no time.

BStrong said...

I gave you an award dear. Go to my blog and read the latest post.

Jan Steck Huffman said...

yeah, tangoing then running from the park! Oh you just gave her an award so you wouldn't have to sleep on the couch. hee hee

Hey go by my blog between July 23 and July 27th and give some love to Parker!

The Mom said...

Oh no - what a week :( Praying this week goes better and that all your kiddos are on the road to recovery!

jotcr2 said...

I like your title. :)